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N6850 Camp Awana Rd


Willoway Farm is an artisanal heirloom produce, fruit, herb & flower market garden. We offer Community Support Agriculture programs of produce, flowers & eggs all grown on farm. We create Wedding & Event Floral Arrangements. We also sell our goods to southeastern Milwaukee chefs & South Shore Farmer Market in Bayview.

Spring Bouquet Subcription - 5 bouquets,  Home Delivered

Willoway Farm (Shop) 2025

Here you will find our Floral Bouquet Subscription options available for sign up. We also are selling for a limited time pre- orders of Oconto, WI grown Christmas trees. We host our heirloom veggies a la carte via our i phone App:

Spring Bouquet Subcription - 5 bouquets, Home Delivered


Spring Bouquet Subcription - 5 bouquets, Home Delivered

from $135.00

Spring comes and goes quickly here in Wisconsin. If you love cool spring fresh flowers this subscription is the one for you. Each bouquet is harvested that day and then is delivered to your doorstep in a vase with fresh water.

This year, after seeing numerous seasons of warmer months of May we are adding another week to our Spring Bouquet Subscription which will include our early blooming peonies. How fun to start a floral bouquet subscription with fragrant daffodils and end with sweet smelling peonies! Weekly bouquet ingredients, besides the previous mentioned, include such blooms as specialty cut tulips, ranunculous, anemones, alliums, hellebores, lily of the valley, & more.

The first week of the bouquet subscription for 2025 is Friday May 2nd. Sometimes spring in Wisconsin can be finicky but if the start date does change you will be notified. 5 bouquets, 5 weeks in May.

Delivery Zip Codes:
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Delivery Locations include communities in the following zip codes.

53075 Random Lake,

53021 Fredonia, Waubeka & Farmington

53013 Cedar Grove WI
53060 Newburg, WI

53024 Grafton

53074 Port Washington, WI

53004 Belgium, WI

53080 Saukville, WI

53012 Cedarburg