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N6850 Camp Awana Rd


Willoway Farm is an artisanal heirloom produce, fruit, herb & flower market garden. We offer Community Support Agriculture programs of produce, flowers & eggs all grown on farm. We create Wedding & Event Floral Arrangements. We also sell our goods to southeastern Milwaukee chefs & South Shore Farmer Market in Bayview.

Bright & Cheery colors Zinnia plant starts

Willoway Farm (Shop) 2025

Here you will find our Floral Bouquet Subscription options available for sign up. We also are selling for a limited time pre- orders of Oconto, WI grown Christmas trees. We host our heirloom veggies a la carte via our i phone App:

Bright & Cheery colors Zinnia plant starts


Bright & Cheery colors Zinnia plant starts


from rosy oranges, multi colors, reds and purples . Strong Joyful 6 pack of zinnia cut flower starts. come again zinnia plants in a curated berry/tropic color palette.

 The collection includes:  Pastel mixed zinnias, peaches, pinks, light creams

  • Grown from seed in Compost Seed Starting Mix without any chemicals.

  • Each plant will be grown on in a 3” deep, 6 pack plastic nursery insert. Each cell is 2” x 2.25” x 3” (LxWxD)

  • Plants can be spaced in the garden roughly 9" - 12" apart. Plan for 4-6 square feet of space.

  • These plants will require full sun for optimal flowering. We recommend a minimum of 6 hours of sun.

  • Plants will require staking for straight stems.

  • This is for pick up only at our farm in Fredonia or in Waubeka in late April early March. You will be notified.

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